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Working with a limited amount of space is one of the greatest challenges when you decorate your home. One of the areas where the task can be ever harder is in the bathroom, where you need to fit in a shower, toilet and wash basin at the very least. It can be difficult to plan a room that has the essentials but still allows you some space to move around. No one wants a bathroom where they can stand up from the commode and take one step forward into the shower. Luckily, there are several ways that you can make the most of the space available to you. Use the following methods to design a small bathroom you enjoy.

Don’t Bother with a Bath

The idea of a relaxing soak in the tub at the end of the day is a tempting one. But how often do you take a bath in reality? If you only have a bath on occasion, it’s probably not worth taking up space. When you only have a small amount of room, a sizeable chunk of it will be taken up by a tub. Instead, it’s better to focus on getting the most out of your shower. Without a tub in the way, you can make your shower roomier and make sure you get the best of the best. Buy a shower that gives you enough power to luxuriate underneath it and make it better than any bath.

Find Space-saving Features

There are a few features you can use for your bathroom that will save space. If you decide you have to have a bath but you need a shower too, you can combine the two. Some bathrooms barely have enough room for the shower on its own, which is where a quadrant shower enclosure comes in handy. They slide open and closed, rather than opening on a hinge, so they won’t take up any room (or hit anything) when you open them. Your choice of storage could make a difference too. For example, use the space under the sink.

Use All the Space

To maximize your small bathroom, you need to use all the space available to you. If you use a slightly unexpected space, you leave the middle of the room so you can move around. For example, you can make use of the space behind the bathroom door. You should also design things vertically, using the space on the walls to put shelves and storage units.

Choose a Wet Room

A wet room might also be a fantastic way of opening up a small bathroom. You can avoid having the barriers of a bath or shower and instead create a more open space. A tiled bathroom can look beautiful too, as well as being practical. You might worry about keeping a wet room clean, but they can be very easy to maintain. If you want, you can take a hose to the whole room and spray them clean because everything is sealed.

Don’t let a lack of space stop you from creating a beautiful bathroom. You can still do plenty to design a room that’s perfect for your home.