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Northshore Magazine

Bikram Yoga MV

Stretching internal organs never felt so good at North Andover's Bikram Yoga.By Beth DaigleOpen-eye meditation, 26 postures and two breathing exercis...

Clam Digging with Dave Pulsifer

Clam digging is a huge rush for Dave Pulsifer of Ipswich Shellfish Company, but guess what's not for supper?By Jack MorrisHunched over like an offens...

Gia’s World

Peabody ain't seen nothing like Gia Ventola. By Alyssa Giacobbe Let's be honest: the fashion crowd hasn't exactly replaced Newbury Street with R...
Swampscott harbor


Outdoor addicts answer the call of Swampscott's oceanside attractions. By Karen Sackowitz The sun warms your face. the sea air fills your lungs....

The To-Do List

Eight ways to wrap up your summer with a bang.1. Sara Evans Some might see it as a girls' night out but you guys out there should seriously reconside...
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Classical Grace in a Hilltop Home

A bold Manchester home takes antiquing to a new level.By Regina ColePhotographs by Bob O'ConnorHere's the thing about Alexander Westerhoff and Thomas...

Northshore Magazine

For more than 15 years, Northshore magazine’s experienced editors, creatives, writers, and photographers have captured the region with its award-winning prose and design. The magazine offers sophisticated service journalism coupled with stunning photography.