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Clever Tips for Small Bathroom Design

Working with a limited amount of space is one of the greatest challenges when you decorate your home. One of the areas where the task can be ever har...

Synthetic Turf Pro

North Shore–based 360 Sports & SynGrass serves commercial, residential, and municipal customers throughout New England and southwest Florid...

Honey Collins Interior Design

Honey Collins, owner of Essex–based Honey Collins Interior Design, had just finished designing three rooms of a family’s antique home in ...

Bathroom Design Trends

While many traditional styles are still embraced by New England homeowners, the bathroom is one room where renovations often bring innovative fixture...
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AUCTIONS & ANTIQUES Andrew Spindler Antiques 163 Main St., Essex, MA 01929, (978) 768-6045 Kaminski Auctions 564 Cabot ...

A Colorful Cottage

Who would have a summerhouse 40 minutes for their winter house?" That’s the question that Christine Sullivan and her husband, John Neely, of...