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Slimming down in style at Marblehead’s Burn. By Terri Ogan. Photographs by Joel Laino.

Burn is not your typical gym. This recently opened fitness facility located in Marblehead’s Village Plaza offers a variety of new classes to help shed pounds and invigorate the body. “Each class is one that will leave you feeling the muscle burn and the desire to create a new lifestyle,” says Amy Livermore, owner of Burn. “We are committed to creating an atmosphere unlike any other in the area.”

The large studio shines with a rubber-grained wood floor and features a powerful surround-sound system with a small stage for instructors. Exercise classes include two of the newest classes to hit the North Shore: Burn Barre and IntenSati.

nsfm10_burn_2Burn Barre, taught by Marblehead resident and long-time dancer Tonya Rockett, is a low-impact workout focusing on strengthening the core and elongating muscles. It is done using a ballet barre and has gotten rave reviews. “I’ve done a couple Spin classes before,” says Marblehead resident Liza Bathurst. “Burn Barre is really great! It’s challenging but fun, and I definitely broke a sweat. I’ll be coming back next week.”

Rockett explains that some people enter the class with certain expectations and leave with entirely different results. “Some people come in thinking this is too much like ballet,” Rockett says. “They’re so surprised that you can do such small movements and get such huge results.”

Also unique to Burn is the IntenSati class, a workout that is taught at Equinox clubs in New York and is new to the North Shore. Taught by health coach and licensed nutritional counselor Dana Appel Young, this unconventional class is a combination of dance, aerobics, and kickboxing with the mindfulness of yoga. “It combines high-energy, total-body training with powerful, positive statements that you either think or speak,” Young explains. Each participant declares positive affirmations during the class, for example, “I am strong now” and “I believe I will succeed.” By saying these affirmations in class, people will begin to believe, own, and become what they truly want, Young says.

The facility charges by the class but also offers monthly memberships.

Village Plaza 3, 14 Bessom St., Marblehead, 781-249-2986,