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Press Release

Rockport resident Jenny Amory has published a second children’s book about one of the creative ways she fostered connection and fun for her two sons in childhood.

Following Moon Walk, her 2018 book about taking her boys for a meditative walk through the woods to see and contemplate the moon, she writes in Landscape Dinner about coloring mashed potatoes blue, placing a bag of Goldfish crackers within reach, and breaking apart heads of broccoli, to create fanciful scenes of fish-filled lakes surrounded by trees. This way, they would have a hilarious time together before their meal.

Written for young children and meant to inspire fun and healthy eating, Landscape Dinner is a richly illustrated, intimate family story over 30 pages long that ends with encouragement to go ahead and try this at home!

Both books can be purchased locally at The Bookstore in Gloucester and the following Rockport stores:  Lattof Farmhouse Kitchen, Seaview Farm, Tuck’s Candy & Gifts, and Susie’s Stories. Books can also be ordered on

Jenny Amory is a storyteller and visual artist. Throughout her career, she has dedicated herself to promoting women’s leadership and quality educational programs for children and youth. Her greatest joy as a mother was raising her two sons. With a flair for adventure and a deeply creative approach to life, she shared with them new ways of looking at the world through watching the moon in Moon Walk or creating fanciful outdoor scenes with food in Landscape Dinner.  

Creating the books called on her artistic gifts, her passion for meditation, and contemplation and love of the natural world. Amory hopes that her books will excite children and adults to explore their own walks in nature and create healthy, fun meals.

Amory earned a bachelor’s in Social Work from New York University and a master’s in City Planning from M.I.T.