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Communal Caring with DanversCARES

What does it take to get the superintendent of schools, a representative of the police department, a selectman, a member of the clergy, high school st...

Blue Whale Lecture

Michael Fishbach will give a presentation on the blue whale and its current survival status from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Windhover Performing Ar...

Meet the Past

  See what Nathaniel Hawthorne saw as he strode through the streets of Salem in the early 1800s and experience Salem as he did, in his own wo...

Penguin Hall: One Year Later

When The Academy at Penguin Hall celebrated its first graduates last spring, five girls left their names on stones in the courtyard of the 1929 estate...

Children's Music Programs

  Music is perhaps one of life’s greatest common denominators. No matter the language, it somehow manages to speak to most everyone. Wh...