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The Award Winning Cookie Monstah

  At a young age Danvers resident Melissa Gale watched her mother and grandmother in the kitchen, baking cakes, pies, and cookies for fam...

The Perfect Seasonal Pie

When it comes to one of America's favorite desserts, we all become Simple Simons.  When the the earliest settlers first arrived on the No...

Apple & Pumpkin; The Flavors of Fall

Chef-inspired apple and pumpkin recipes make it hard to pick just one. Apples, known widely across the world for their role in religion and my...

SNAP Infusion Brings You SUPERCANDY®

Launched in 2011, the Andover-based company, SNAP Infusion, has reinvented performance snack foods. When talking about a healthy lifestyle, ca...

Pazzo Gelato Cafe

Jim Demotses said goodbye to a life in law to pursue a more palatable dream. Some might call the notion of leaving a successful career to open...

Bee-Keeping and Honey Recipes

Backyard beekeeping yields sweet rewards.  "The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams." —Henry David Thoreau Phil W...

The Holiday Classics

This year, decorate your holiday table with traditional confections that tell a story. These vintage treats--provided by ten North Shore chefs, ba...

We all Scream for Ice Cream

Nothing screams summer more than ice cream. With well over 40 scoop stops across the North Shore, you’re never more than a few miles away fr...