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Elegant egrets displaying their translucent feathers in the sunrise. Northern lights dancing over Salem Harbor. Peonies blooming against the wodden shingles and ocean views of Rockport. The winners of this year’s Essex Heritage photo contest capture the breadth of the region’s natural beauty, animal life, and built world in a collection of stunning shots.

The annual contest celebrates the places, people, and moments that make Essex County a unique and compelling area. This year’s categories included “Picture Perfect Places,” “Go Coastal,” and “The Great Outdoors.” A youth category asked photographers ages 5 to 17 to share images that capture the essence of a North Shore place or moment. A People’s Choice award is also given annually.

A reception honoring the winners will be held on Wednesday, February 12 at 5:30 pm at the Salem Armory Visitor Center, and the photographs will also be displayed there from May through June.

2024 Essex Heritage Photo Contest Winners

All of the winning photos can be viewed on the Essex Heritage website or Facebook page.

Grand Prize

“Egret Fan Dancers in a Peeking Dawn” by Carin Macnamara taken on Cape Ann

Category: Picture Perfect Places

1st place: “Spiraling in Time” by Franco Cutietta taken in Salem
2nd place: “Rockport Peonies” by Jason Kennedy taken in Rockport
3rd place: “Beaver Moon Rising Over Salem Harbor” by Joyce Wood taken in Salem

“Spiraling in Time” by Franco Cutietta

Category: Go Coastal!

1st place: “Sharing is Caring” by Kathy Diamontopoulos taken in Ipswich
2nd place: “Aurora at Salem Willows” by Rick Matthias taken in Salem
3rd place: “Moon Snails” by Bruce McBrien taken in Newbury

Category: The Great Outdoors

1st place: “The Pink Hour” by John Abisamra taken in Essex
2nd place: “Red-winged Blackbird Feeding Chick” by Ken Jordan taken in Topsfield
3rd place: “Lunch Time” by James Reily taken in Salem

“The Pink Hour” by John Abisamra

Category: Youth Category

1st place: “Dog’s Perspective” by Greyson Collins taken in Marblehead
2nd place: “Moonlit Flight” by Jason Mercurio taken in Andover
3rd place: “Saugus Iron Works” by Alice Dunn taken in Saugus

People’s Choice Award

“Sunflowers” by Alison Colby-Campbell taken in Ipswich

The contest was supported by North Shore Bank, DeIulis Brothers Construction, Geller MicroAnalytical Labs, American Tower & Steeple Co., Inc., Groom Construction, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, The Burke Insurance Agency, and the Rotary Club of Salem. Prize sponsorships were awarded by Hunt’s Photo & Video, Ipswich River Watershed Association, SEE Shore Photography, The Trustees, Sea Level Oyster Bar, and Atomic Café.