Warmer months are here, and the shorts and swimsuits are calling more attention to stubble. Looking to ditch it for good? Here’s what you need to do before getting laser hair removal!
Summer’s calling, and unfortunately razor burn, stubble, bumps, and ingrown hairs are in full swing. Ditching unwanted hair for good would make summer so much less hectic, right? Instead of wasting time and money fitting a waxing appointment into your busy schedule or carving out extra time in the shower for shaving, give laser hair removal a try!
But unlike other hair removal methods, there are a few necessary steps to prepare for laser hair removal. Boston’s laser hair removal experts at Milan Laser Hair Removal are here to help you get the best results possible and make your treatments even easier with these five steps to prepare you for your hair-free journey!

1. Don’t pluck or wax your hair.
Laser hair removal works by targeting the follicles directly. A laser pulse finds the pigment in the hair, the heat destroys the follicle, and that hair can never grow again. If you wax or pluck right before a laser hair removal treatment, there’s no pigment to target in the follicle. The average Milan Laser client is 95%+ hair-free within seven to 10 treatments. And once you’re done with treatments, you won’t have to worry about waxing again, which can save you about $17,000 over a lifetime if you’re getting your bikini area waxed regularly.
2. Shave the treatment area.
You do, however, want to shave the treatment area. It sounds contradictory, but shaving a day before or the day of is essential. Hair must be below the skin’s surface. When you shave, the follicle and pigment are still intact. Shaving the treated area will decrease the chance of burns. You’ll notice as you progress in treatments, there will be less and less to shave. If you are shaving underarms and legs currently, you’ll save about $10,000 over a lifetime on shaving essentials!

3. Stay out of the sun
Your skin must be its natural base tone or else treatments won’t be effective. Sun exposure lightens your hair and darkens your skin, increasing your chance of complications. Staying out of the sun includes avoiding tanning beds and self-tanner. That said, laser hair removal does work for all skin tones, when they’re at their natural shade. A good provider will have technologies to treat the entire skin tone spectrum. For instance, Milan Laser’s Candela GentleMax Pro includes two lasers— the Nd: YAG for darker skin and the Alexandrite for lighter skin tones. Because of this, places like Milan Laser can create customized treatment plans for everyone.
4. Avoid caffeine before your treatment.
Caffeine can make your skin more sensitive, so laser hair removal treatments could be uncomfortable. Avoid caffeine before your treatment, including coffee, soda, tea, and energy drinks. Most people say laser hair removal feels like a quick rubber band snap against the skin. Many lasers such as Milan’s Candela GentleMax Pro have comfort technologies, such as an air-cooling chiller, to reduce any potential discomfort.

5. Disclose any tattoos or removed tattoos.
While people with tattoos can get laser hair removal, treatments cannot be performed directly over tattoos. Because the laser targets pigment, the laser is unable to differentiate between the pigment in hair from ink. This can cause the ink to scatter, and the tattoo will be ruined. It also causes pain, burning, and potentially severe skin damage. Even removed tattoos leave ink behind deep in the skin. Always disclose tattoos and removed tattoos to your provider so they can prep your treatment accordingly.
Preparing for laser hair removal ensures your treatments will give you the best results possible. And guess what? Laser hair removal doesn’t have to break the bank. Places like Milan Laser offer monthly payment plans to fit anyone’s budget. And because new follicles can become active, and hair can grow again due to hormone changes, touch-up treatments are necessary. To guarantee lifetime results, Milan Laser offers their exclusive Unlimited Package™, so you’ll never have to worry about touch-up fees!
You’re fully prepped and ready for laser hair removal. So what are you waiting for? Call Milan Laser at 833-NO-RAZOR to set up your FREE consultation and treatment! Visit a local laser hair removal expert at any of Milan Laser’s Boston locations conveniently located in Brighton, Burlington, Dedham, Medford, Peabody, Revere, and West End.
Learn more about laser hair removal in Boston.